Past Event: AGM 2024

This year's Annual General Meeting took place in Marbella, Spain, on 15 and 16 March 2024 with a pleasingly high level of participation from members. The meeting was hosted by bdp Bormann,Demant & Partner with its Spanish office.


The meeting informally started off on Thursday, with a dinner at a lovely tapas bar. A great first opportunity for members to catch up and meet new faces.  


The official Seminar programme started on Friday with an interesting introduction on the development of Andalusia by Elsa Ibañez Ferrer (bdp España) and economic data by Cesar Martin Civera (Grupo Alcázar).


In further interesting sessions, members were able to discuss the newest developments in international business and case studies. Jean François Rycx (Rycx Legal Consultants) elaborated on the BRICS as a new global player.  Juliet Zhou (R & T Consulting Group) gave an update on the current economic situation in Asia and developments in China. And Dr Michael Bormann (bdp) presented a case study of an extraordinary emergency project with a client. Fokko Jolles (Jolles& Ko) introduced the new Working Group on ESG and the potential for collaboration among members in this field.


During the individual technical working groups, members were able to discuss recent developments and innovations of the tax, audit and legal fields in their countries.


Friday evening ended with a reception in beautiful warm spring weather at the Candela restaurant in the historic centre of Marbella, which is also part of the bdp Group.


On Saturday morning, the formal Annual General Assembly was held which included the appointment of the Managmenet Committee for 2024, adoption of the audited annual financial statements for 2023 and the budget for 2024, as well as the handover of the presidency from Dr. Martin Bernardini (Bernardini, Egger & Co) to Dr. Michael Bormann (bdp), during which all members expressly thanked Martin Bernardini for his year as president.


Furthermore, members discussed opportunities and necessities of improved internal and external communication future goals for the association


Bormann formulated his goals for the coming year as follows:

  1.  Increase the number of members by a net addition of five firms
  2.  Strengthen the internship programme for young professionals
  3.  further improve internal and external communication

This was followed by a very constructive workshop involving all members, who provided ideas and contributions towards achieving these goals.

 In the subsequent session, members reported on news from their firms, recent collaborations with other members and other projects.


The meeting was rounded off with sightseeing tour through the old town of Marbella and ended with a formal dinner, again at the Candela restaurant. The atmosphere was livened up by a Spanish guitar player.


We would like to thank everyone for joining us in Marbella and making the event a success!  Special thanks go to bdp España and especially Paloma Alcaide for the fantastic organization on short notice, and to Nina Fischer of the EuropeFides Secretariat.


Save the Date:

11 and 12 October 2024

Half-Year General Meeting in Milan, Italy